Saturn In Indian Vedic Astrology

In Sanskrit he is called Shani or Shanaishchara (the slow mover), because he takes about two and a half years or so to pass through each constellation of the sidereal zodiac.

In the Linga Purana it is said that Shani was born from the solar deity Rudra. The Markandeya Purana states that Shani is the son of the Sun god by his wife Chaya (shadow).

Saturn is cold and dry, tamasik (lethargic) and an elderly planet. His sight is bad, and he is said to be "malefic amongst the malefics."

Saturn destroys the house it occupies (except if positioned in the seventh house, where it receives directional strength) and any houses it aspects or any planet it conjoins or aspects.

When well placed it gives its natives integrity, wisdom, spirituality, fame, patience, ability to lead, authority, long life, organizational abilities, sincerity, honesty, love of justice and awareness of right and wrong.

When ill-posited it brings miseries, sorrow, delay, obstruction, disappointment, disputes, dejection, difficulties. Saturnine natives are defensive, nervous and secretive.

Saturn rules the direction west, Saturday is its day, black is its color and blue sapphire is the gemstone of Saturn.

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