Moon In Indian Vedic Astrology

The famous Vedic verse Purusha Sukta, describing the cosmic man, states, "chandrama manso jatah": "Moon was born from the mind of the cosmic man," i.e., Virat Purusa, or Kal Purusa.

Moon is the presiding deity of the element water, and rules over the tides of the sea. The sphere of the Moon is the reservoir of rainwater and thus Moon is the ruler of plants and the vegetable kingdom. Moon represents the mother or female principle, the energy that creates and preserves.

The color of Moon is white. Nature is mucus-dominated, tender-hearted, wise, and learned. It rules peace of mind, comfort, general well-being, and also the fortune of a person.

It shows influence around twenty-four to twenty-five years of age. The Moon gives illumination, sense of purpose, intuitive nature, sensuality, taste, youth, love of poetry, fine arts and music, love of jewelry, attractive appearance, wealth and good fortune. It makes us moody, emotional, and sensitive.

The Moon is auspicious for those who are born in the ascending Moon cycle and malefic for those who are born in the descending Moon cycle.

For persons whose Moon is not rightly placed in their horoscopes or is ill-aspected, success becomes difficult. Sometimes it even becomes difficult to achieve a comfortable life on earth. It makes such people weak or sick in their early years.

The gemstone related to Moon is pearl, and its metal is silver. Moon rules number 2 in indian numerology.

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