Mercury In Indian Vedic Astrology

According to the Linga Purana, Mercury is the son of the Moon by his wife Rohini.

Yet in the Vishnu Purana, Brahma Purana, Devi Bhagvata Bhagwat Purana, Harivansha Purana, Padma Purana and Vayu Purana a story is told of the seduction of Brahaspati's (Jupiter's) wife Tara by the Moon - and Buddha is born from her. He is called Saumya, that is, "Son of Soma [Moon]." From Buddha springs the lunar race. The Moon, being his father, is friendly toward him, but Mercury knows that he is son of the wife of Jupiter and so he is in conflict with the Moon, who seduced his mother.

Mercury is sexless and neutral and is a cold and moist planet. Being a neutral planet it changes according to its placement in a sign and house, and that is why it is said to have a "mercurial" nature. Because it is nearest to the Sun it is restless, which also makes it quick-changing, fickle, and often retrograde. Mercury sometimes precedes the Sun and sometimes follows it.

Mercury can be seen in the morning and evening as a shining star and sometimes even during the day because of its power of radiation. Mercury is the smallest planet of our solar system. Being adaptable, it becomes malefic when conjunct with Mars and makes its natives nervous, overly excit-able, and insecure.

Mercury rules education, writers, lecturers, artists, teachers, traders, businessmen, the nervous system, lungs, and intestines. It rules intelligence, speech, self-confidence, humor, wit, astrology, mathematics, and short journeys.

As a lord of Gemini Mercury has two faces : it gives a double nature and makes one detached and independent as well as an extremist. Its color is the green of a blade of fresh grass.

Mercury is dominated by the three doshas wind, bile, and mucus, all rajasic. Earth is its element, it is a merchant by nature, shudra by caste, lover of humor and wit, ever green, weak in body constitution, delicate, having mixed feelings. Mercury loves the company of learned people, and is the lord of the direction North.

The day related to Mercury is Wednesday, while the gemstone related to Mercury is emerald. Mercury rules number 5 in indian numerology.

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