Importance Of Gemstones In Indian Vedic Astrology

The Vedic seers knew that man is born in this world to experience his Karmas. Good Karmas manifest their effects as happy and auspicious events and bad Karmas as sickness, deficiencies, sorrows, losses accidents etc.

The sages being sympathetic towards humanity envisaged the methods of overcoming sorrows to any extent possible. With this in view they added two auxiliary branches to the Vedas. These are called the Ayurveda and other remedial methods. Ayurveda is the Vedic method of detecting the disease under three major heads called Kapha (Phlegm), Vata (Gout, Rheumatic pains), and Pitta or (bilious troubles). Various herbs and roots, which go to cure these three types of maladies, consist of Ayurveda (Life science).

The seers also knew that Diseases and maladies can be seen in advance by astrology and preventive action can be taken to neutralize or reduce the impact.

For this purpose thy prescribed five methods known as Mantra, Yantra, Tantra, Mani (Gems), Moolika.

We would discuss only the effects of Gems in this place.

All the Gems are known under a single name 'MANI'.

As we know matter is condensed energy. The seers found the colors of the planets and the gems, which inherit those colors. They also found that wearing the appropriate gem helps to enhance the power of a Good planet and reduce the maleficence of bad ones.

The zodiacal signs have been distributed among the planets in the following order:

Sun rules Leo
Moon rules Cancer (Pink Color); Gem = Ruby
Mars is the ruler of Both Aries and Scorpio (Red color) = Coral
Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo (Green) = Emerald
Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces (golden yellow) = Yellow Sapphire
Venus rules Taurus and Libra (Shining White) = Diamond
Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius (dark Blue or Black) = Blue sapphire
Rahu (Cow dung) & Ketu (Grayish) have no ruler-ship. Hessonite and Cats -Eye

Besides these major gems there are a number of lesser-valued ones called semi precious stones which are also equally effective. In all there are 84 varieties of gems and precious stones.

When a planet as lord of the ascendant becomes weak, then the concerned gem of the owner of the sign of the ascendant is prescribed as a remedy to strengthen the weak planet.

Similarly when a benefic planet becomes weak due to its placement in the sign of debility or in inimical house or hemmed between the malefic etc the appropriate Gem of that planet is prescribed as remedy.

Some times the malefic such as Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu or Ketu become powerful and Become significators of evil houses. In such cases are also the appropriate gem is prescribed as remedy.

Just as Plants have gems they also have metals Viz. Sun = Copper, Moon =lead, Mars = Bronze, Mercury = Brass, Jupiter = Gold, Venus =silver, Saturn = Iron. Rings are generally made of the appropriate metal.

The fingers of the hand are also classified:

Index = Jupiter
Middle = Saturn and Rahu
Ring finger = Sun, Moon, Mars
Little finger = Venus and Mercury, and Ketu

The rings should be worn in the appropriate finger. When all the nine gems are cast in a single frame it goes under the name of NAVARATNA and can be worn in a golden ring in the ring finger or as a locket around the neck

Procedure for wearing a Gem: - The days of the week are also named after the planets because a particular planet holds sway on a particular day. A gem is to be worn on the day, which is most powerful for it. Sunday is Sun's day, Monday is Moon's day, Tuesday is Mars day, Wednesday is Mercury day, Thursday is Jupiter day, Friday is Venus day and Saturday is Saturn's Day. Rahu is akin to Saturn and Ketu is akin to Mars. These two days can be used for Rahu and Ketu. The first hour of the day after sunrise is the ideal time to wear a Gem. When the Gem is ready for wearing it must be kept in raw cow's milk overnight and Washed in the morning with water alone and put in the altar. The concerned deity to be invoked and incenses shown and some small offering of Milk sweets made. After this formality it can be worn. This gives best effect. Gems are said to lose power in 5 years time. There is no authentic evidence to support this theory. A good gem should last forever as we see it with diamonds like 'Kohinoor' or the 'Hope diamond'.

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