Chinese Wood Tiger Horoscope

Jan 26, 1914 to Feb 13, 1915
Jan 23, 1974 to Feb 10, 1975

Tiger people are sympathetic, kind, emotional, and sensitive. At movies, they can cry their eyes out! Despite their kindness, they can be extremely short-tempered. The rage of Tigers is terrible to behold but it also gives them the adrenaline needed for the sublimest of bravery. The Tiger is also a deep thinker and can make the most astonishing intellectual connections, with great mental agility. On the negative side, they tend to be suspicious and a bit self-centered, OK selfish, and indecisive. Above everything, however, the Tiger stands as a supreme emblem of protection over human life, admirable always.

Look no further than the Wood Tiger for true friendship. This compassionate human being is always ready to lend his or her shoulder for friends to lean on. Friends show a reciprocal spirit. When the Wood Tiger needs it, friendship and support are always there and indirectly help the Tiger's successful ascent up the career ladder. Once there, this Tiger experiences such prosperity, it's almost like winning the lottery, except it's earned good fortune. Wood Tigers are very creative in finding ways to make life exciting, never lacking inspiration to change what can be changed and to forge ahead with native wit and charm. When it comes to Love, the male Wood Tiger has to fight his fantasy of becoming a playboy. When he experiences that familiar lust-in-his-heart tickle, he has to give in instead to his ingrained gentility. When it's time for a Wood Tiger to marry, he nearly always attracts a very beautiful wife. Also gentle, the female Wood Tiger is very generous with love and kisses and is always good to her husband. Wood Tigers in general have a very fulfilling and happy family life, with no regrets.

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