Chinese Metal Tiger Horoscope

Feb 17, 1950 to Feb 5, 1951
Feb 14, 2010 to Feb 2, 2011

Tiger people are sympathetic, kind, emotional, and sensitive. At movies, they can cry their eyes out! Despite their kindness, they can be extremely short-tempered. The rage of Tigers is terrible to behold but it also gives them the adrenaline needed for the sublimest of bravery. The Tiger is also a deep thinker and can make the most astonishing intellectual connections, with great mental agility. On the negative side, they tend to be suspicious and a bit self-centered, OK selfish, and indecisive. Above everything, however, the Tiger stands as a supreme emblem of protection over human life, admirable always.

When opportunity knocks, Metal Tigers open the door. With characteristic Olympian zeal, they seize every chance to better themselves, with a competitive streak that lets nothing or no one get in their way. As aggressive as they are, though, they never trample upon the feelings of others. Always considerate, they are admired and well-liked for their sense of justice and forgiving spirit. They never waste energy holding grudges. Metal Tigers always have the unwavering support of their friends, colleagues, and family. Their industrious work habits usually lead them down a velvety smooth career path and Metal Tigers almost always know the beauty of having achieved great financial success. Because Metal Tigers have so much fire within themselves, they can also warm the hearts of loved ones, which they do with tender passion and compassion.

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