Chinese Metal Rat Horoscope

Jan 31, 1900 to Feb 18, 1901
Jan 28, 1960 to Feb 14, 1961

Rat people are so charming and attractive they are always surrounded by friends and admirers. They can also be lone tumbleweeds, seldom making lasting friendships. Known as Perfectionists, they never want to lose face. It takes an understanding friend to get them to "put on the dancing plumes." Rat people have vivid imagination and are known for creating extraordinarily magic moments in time. Not surprisingly, the sensitive Rats have the gift of insight and clairvoyance, so you better watch out what you think around them! Rats enjoy being leaders and pacesetters and usually enjoy extraordinary success in life.

Hearty Bean Soup is one of the keys to good health for a Rat!!

If ten people are deserted on a desert island, one of them will lead everyone to safety and that person will undoubtedly be the decisive clear-thinking Metal Rat. This is a natural born leader who inspires everyone through unparalleled leadership! Quite the visionary, the idealistic Rat will see cathedrals in the middle of the desert and make believers out of non-believers. He or she has all the traits necessary to win and keep friends, charm, sincerity, trustworthiness, as well as a sense of humor and grand adventure. The enormously capable Metal Rats are very successful in their career, with financial rewards keeping them forever in clover. When it comes to love, Metal Rats' hearts tend to be a bit brittle because they have been wounded by past love affairs. However, when the Rats finally find the right person, they will do all they can to pursue love, using every means at their disposal. Love becomes a high priority.

Famous RAT people: Richard Nixon, Shakespeare, Prince Charles, Julia Child, Louis Armstrong, Prince Andrew, Andrew Lloyd-Webber, Kathleen Battle, Albert Finney

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