Chinese Earth Rat Horoscope

Feb 10, 1948 to Jan 28, 1949
Feb 7 , 2008 to Jan 25, 2009

Rat people are so charming and attractive they are always surrounded by friends and admirers. They can also be lone tumbleweeds, seldom making lasting friendships. Known as Perfectionists, they never want to lose face. It takes an understanding friend to get them to "put on the dancing plumes." Rat people have vivid imagination and are known for creating extraordinarily magic moments in time. Not surprisingly, the sensitive Rats have the gift of insight and clairvoyance, so you better watch out what you think around them! Rats enjoy being leaders and pacesetters and usually enjoy extraordinary success in life.

The early years of the Earth Rat's career seemed like nothing but burning the midnight oil at the time. But in retrospect, the strong work ethic, discipline, caution, and long hours are what led to their current life of abundance for themselves and their families. Today there is more time to enjoy the fruits of their labor and to do the things they put off for too long. Life is filled with weekend escapades, longer excursions, and membership in the Unofficial Adventurer's Club, which requires its "members" to live life to its fullest. One very fulfilling area of their lives is Love & Romance, hearts and flowers all the time. Earth Rats are very dependable souls and always attentive towards the needs of their loved ones. Together, they share a love that will last for all the moons of their lives.

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